
Saturday 1 October 2016

Welcome to my little blog. My name is Emma (or Sparkles, if you like) and I am super passionate about makeup. Everyone in my life is sick to death of me banging on about it, so I’ve started this blog to get all the makeup thoughts out of my head without driving my friends and family completely round the bend!

My first real memory of makeup is when I was probably around nine or 10, and I got a book about makeup from a local car boot sale. At the back of the book there were different makeup trends from the past decades, and although my mum didn’t let me wear makeup outside (wise decision, I must have looked an absolute clip), she was happy for me to sit in my room and practice these looks to my heart’s content. I can’t remember the makeup I used or where it came from, I can only assume that it was mum’s old stuff and it will have been the usual stuff from Boots/Superdrug as my mum wasn’t a huge makeup lover and we didn’t have much money growing up.
When I was in my early 20s I did a Beauty Therapy NVQ but I didn’t enjoy it so I passed the makeup module and left. I found out I was pregnant while I was on the course, so I had my baby and things got left on the back burner, but I always bought a ton of makeup and practiced at home.
That’s pretty much where my life is at right now, regarding makeup. I am considering possibly doing some freelance work in the future but I will need to draw up a business plan and do some serious thinking before that becomes a possibility, let alone a reality. For now I’m happy to continue practicing at home on myself and my friends, and this blog will hopefully be a bit of a creative outlet for me too! If you have any requests for a product you’d like me to review, or a look you’d like me to try out please let me know in the comments!

Thank you for stopping by!